The main purpose of the position is to ensure the legal security of the development activities for our photovoltaic power plant projects in Italy.
The main responsabilities of the position are the following :
· Drafting of various agreements linked to the projects:
o Connection sharing agreements
o Communita energetica agreements
o Agreements with farmers for agroPV
o Agreements with municipalities for compensation measures
o Crowdfunding
o Delegation for grid connection management
·Securing of permits & authorization
o Investigation on the relevant permitting procedure and exchanges with regions (National law VS Regional law)
o Legal review of permitting documentation
o Participation to the Conference of Services
o Draft of answers to the requests of integrations from authorities on procedure
o Challenging decisions of the authorities
o Monitoring external law firm on challenges
o Implementation of guarantees resquested by Regions (construction, dismantling)
· M&A
o Internal legal due diligence
o Monitoring external law firm on due diligence
· Legal watch
o on administrative law applicable to PV plants, agrovoltaic and storage
o on taxation applicable to land rights and PV plant operation
· Monitoring of specific tenders from public bodies (new mobilities/hydrogen..)
· Lobbying coordination with Italia Solare on regulation matters
Per candidarti a questo lavoro visita it.jooble.org.